• Energy (E=)

    All living things are made up cells. Cells are made up of atoms. Atoms are 99.999% empty space / energy. All matter is energy.

    Everything in the Universe is energy.

    We are energy.

  • Everything is Energy + Vibration

    Mass, matter, stuff, body parts, thought, emotions, sub-conscious. IT IS ALL energy: Different types of energy.

    Energy vibrates and has a frequency and there are things that we can do to change this vibration and raise it's frequency.

    We are vibration.

  • Raise the Frequency

    There are many ways that we can alter our vibration and raise our frequency to rejuvenate + heal for a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life. The fun really begins when we use frequency to manifest our dream life. I'm going to teach you how to

    Raise your frequency to do just that.

Harness the Power of Crystals

To amplify and cleanse the energy of your home.

Books have never looked so good nestled between these beautiful raw selenite crystal bookends.

Selenite is a power house of a crystal when used for cleansing negative energies. Click to read more.

Find out more
Be Nothing Like


I'm helping others live the life of their dreams by sharing everything that has got us to this point.

From a lifetime of depression and lack, to learning about the truths of how energy and vibration work, shadow work, gratitude, self love, healing and beyond, to manifesting a dream life.

To inspire you to take action today to live a high vibrational life - and then watching as life improves from one change at a time.

Honestly, once you awaken and learn this stuff it becomes addictive to the point where you live to protect your energy and work at raising it for both yourself and those around you.

I hope the blog inspires, motivates, & educates families feeling stuck in a rut, wanting more from life but more so shows them that anything is possible.

In less than 2 years, I have completely changed my life. And that of my children. Connected to an abundant beautiful life that was always there, I just needed to learn the skills to step into that life. I'm sharing everything. This is what I can give back.

Follow Our Journey On Instagram

your potential is greater > than you could ever dream

The spiritual journey is not an easy one. There is so much more to what we think we know. And to get there, it involves unlearning everything we were taught and working through your biggest hardest, deepest trauma, to heal and crush it into oblivion to get to your divine natural power that lies hidden deep within the heart. You are a light being. Capable of manifesting and creating your reality. A version of reality that is way more than you could even imagine. Yet we have become so disconnected from this innate power.
If you're on your own spiritual journey you will know this. But there's so much confusion and surface level 'new age 'spirituality' that can leave us thinking that we are healed, when there's just so much more to your potential and your greatness.
We are currently living in a Golden Age of Enlightenment + Truth. This website has been created to offer tools and tips to help people heal firstly, understand energy and how to work with it, understand the sense of self and ego that is stopping them from creating a life of their dreams. Finally helping souls with their ascension.
You are a vibration of frequency. You are sound and light manifested into human form. Tune into the frequency of who you truly deeply are to create a life of freedom.
I hope the tools on this website help you heal, feel well, help you elevate your consciousness.