Collection: The Meditation Collection

Meditation is about going within and listening. Taking the busy mind and allowing it to rest and quieten to allow you to listen to subtle signs of the heart. It's the main and only thing you should be doing if you are looking for that sweet spot for being in the present moment to connect to your highest self, gain clarity, insight, your best ideas, manifesting and healing. Yet so many of us struggle with it. We used to too. We had crazy busy 'monkey minds' that would not, could not shut off. It would find any excuse to creep into meditation with thoughts, new distractions and any other way to stop meditation whilst trying to meditate. 

Here you can find tools and helpful meditation guides to help guide you into a meditation practice for beginners and then meditation tools to help you for beyond that. 

Take time to rest and go within, which has profound effects on the physical you. The body and the brain. Very real tangible benefits of meditating for depression, mental health, the mind, the central nervous system etc. But meditation is way more than that for those looking to fine tune their intuition, connect to sprit or guides, tap into sixth sense and clairvoyance / clairaudiance skills and gifts, or to expand consciousness.

Meditation is one of the key tools in manifesting your desires. It’s a time rest, to go within and go back to spirit. Coming Soon: The Ultimate Meditation Journal, Our full moon meditation Scripts. A series of meditations to do around the lunar phases and full moon to release and manifest: Full Moon Light Meditation Script, New Moon Guided Meditation Script, Moon Gazing Meditation Script, Release and Let Go Meditation Script, Full Moon Manifestation Meditation Script, Full Moon Gratitude Meditation Script, Full Moon Chakra Balancing Meditation Script, Full Moon Breath work Script, Full Moon Affirmation Meditation Script, Moon Phase Reflection Meditation Script.

And wherever you are on your life journey, meditation should find a place somewhere in your busy schedule. You will never look back.

6 products

High Vibes Only

Elevate your vibe with our energy-boosting products.

Products that work with energy, to change your vibration and raise your frequency. It's never been more important to tune in, listen to the language of the heart and be guided.

Follow our journey on the Blog as we sell up our old lives in the UK to live a high frequency life in Bali, with our 2 kids, world schooling as we go. Helping inspire others to change their frequency and live the life the deserve.

Your Essential Vibration Kit

Gratitude Journal - the best way to give gratitude to raise vibration and manifest

The Gratitude Collection

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational emotions that we can feel...