Collection: Incense Sticks

Our love of incense began in Bali, where the streets are filled with the haze of incense and the sweet fragrance of herbs and spices used to make them fill the air. Every sunrise and sunset, the Balinese give an offering with incense as well as multiple times throughout the day to honour and give gratitude and thanks to their Hindu Gods.

But Hinduism is not only a religion but also a way of living a good and healthy life which is based on the principles of Vedas. Vedic knowledge envelops in it, an entire wisdom of the past, present and future. This is the life that we try to live. Now that we live in Bali (see our blog for more about our move to Bali with kids!). Even though we do not follow the Hindu religion, we make an offering every morning with the children to reflect and give gratitude.

Most days here, you will find a lit incense in the home and the studio. Even in our UK studio and home, an incense stick is never far away.

As well as the beautiful energy clearing benefits and smell, it is said in the Vedas, burning of an incense stick has many benefits like killing bad bacteria, removing air borne pollutants and negative energy.

Our incense are perfect for your spiritual ritual, religious practices and everyday daily usage around the home and also we use ours on the outside garden table as insect repellant. Which we find to be effective for mosquitos and warding off other insects.

Our incense collection are hand rolled.

Shop our favourite Satya incense sticks. We only sell our incense in the larger 12 pack boxes (12 boxes each containing around 10 sticks) to ensure you never run out of your favourite fragrance. And if we don't have your favourite fragrance, please get in touch as we can mostly get them for you. 

We have tried and tested all fragrances and there isn't any that we don't like. Our favourites are: White Sage + Palo Santo.

**BOGOF OFFER** - Buy 3 Packs of Satya Incense Sticks and Get 1 FREE (mix and match your favourite fragrances). Make sure you add your chosen 4th box to cart to get it free.

The best incense sticks from all over the world brought to you in the UK

32 products

High Vibes Only

Elevate your vibe with our energy-boosting products.

Products that work with energy, to change your vibration and raise your frequency. It's never been more important to tune in, listen to the language of the heart and be guided.

Follow our journey on the Blog as we sell up our old lives in the UK to live a high frequency life in Bali, with our 2 kids, world schooling as we go. Helping inspire others to change their frequency and live the life the deserve.

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