Collection: Less Anxiety

Natural and Self Help Tools to Reduce Anxiety. Including 4 of the best crystals to help with anxiety: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Sodalite. Amethyst, with its calming and soothing energy, is a popular choice for alleviating anxiety and promoting relaxation. Its purple hues are thought to help purify the mind of negative thoughts and bring clarity.

I made this section because I know how rubbish it is when anxiety: Won't let you switch off and enjoy the moment, when anxiety keeps you in a cycle of beating yourself up, when anxiety Leaves you feeling overwhelmed with all the things you have to do and when anxiety Causes you to worry over and doubt your every move.

Coming soon to this section is the Ultimate Anxiety Journal, Anxiety Toolkit, The Anxiety Workbook, How to Use Crystals for Anxiety Digital Guide, 21 Best Affirmations for Anxiety.

11 products

High Vibes Only

Elevate your vibe with our energy-boosting products.

Products that work with energy, to change your vibration and raise your frequency. It's never been more important to tune in, listen to the language of the heart and be guided.

Follow our journey on the Blog as we sell up our old lives in the UK to live a high frequency life in Bali, with our 2 kids, world schooling as we go. Helping inspire others to change their frequency and live the life the deserve.

Your Essential Vibration Kit

Gratitude Journal - the best way to give gratitude to raise vibration and manifest

The Gratitude Collection

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational emotions that we can feel...