Collection: The Gratitude Collection

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational emotions that we can feel as humans, it turns into love. When trying to raise one’s vibrations, and live a high vibe life, those feelings of gratitude - being grateful for the things we have, the life we live and the relationships we hold help improve feelings. We should be striving to keep high vibrational emotions as our baseline emotions: love, happiness, appreciation.

Being aware and mindful of gratitude is a perfect way to raise our vibration. Taking 5 minutes in the morning to write a list of those things that you appreciate or feel grateful for sets the day up in the right away. The higher vibe way.

Keeping a gratitude journal is the best way to stay focused with our thoughts. Not just thoughts, it's the feelings of gratitude, the fuzziness in the tummy in that we want to use to raise our vibration. Gratitude journals help bring us back to those feelings after the busyness of the day. And thus keeping our vibrations up.

It's the first steps in manifesting. Get the basics right and the foundations are set. And so it is.

So, what do you do about it? It’s simple – Keep a gratitude journal. Make moments and times where you stop and notice, then feel the appreciation, followed by gratitude, until . Start loving yourself unconditionally. As you start to fill your own cup with genuine feelings of gratitude… and so it spreads. Watch how it naturally begins to overflow in all the corners of your Universe and beyond.

In feeling gratitude. You begin to raise your vibrations. When we start living in high vibes states, that's when the magic can begin. 

Shop our favourite picks to help make space for gratitude in our lives

Gratitude Journal - the best way to give gratitude to raise vibration and manifest

6 products

High Vibes Only

Elevate your vibe with our energy-boosting products.

Products that work with energy, to change your vibration and raise your frequency. It's never been more important to tune in, listen to the language of the heart and be guided.

Follow our journey on the Blog as we sell up our old lives in the UK to live a high frequency life in Bali, with our 2 kids, world schooling as we go. Helping inspire others to change their frequency and live the life the deserve.

Your Essential Vibration Kit

Gratitude Journal - the best way to give gratitude to raise vibration and manifest

The Gratitude Collection

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational emotions that we can feel...