About Me

Empowering souls to remember, heal and come home.

Hi! I am Fletch!

I am on a mission to inspire and help women that are feeling disconnected from themselves, to live a happier and healthier life by reducing stress, improving physical and mental health, making them more resilient and improving relationships through mindfulness and spiritual products, to raise their frequency, so they can fill their cup to allow them to give back to the world in a healthy way, without sabotaging their health, wellness and spiritual health anymore.

Because in 2018 I hit the rock bottom. I was overweight and depressed. I’d struggled with a lifetime of depression, and functioned with it. People call it a high level functioning depression, I call it survival. I’d always JUST survived. JUST got through. I lived in a fight or flight mode permanently. I felt as though life was one big endless struggle. My nervous system was shot, I lived feeling that horrible knot in my stomach, a feeling of permanent fear. I never seemed to have enough money, even though I’d ran my own business since leaving Uni. Depression ruled my life. I worked within its cycles. And living like this made me lose all concept of myself and who I was. When you live from the mind and within the minds rules, the heart tries to shout, but you cannot hear it. And this is not a woe is me story. I was a very tough and pragmatic person, that worked my socks off for a better life and to be happy. But after my second son was born I couldn't function any more, it was a though a poison had entered our house. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was as if I’d used my strength up (because living with poor mental health is bloody hard work). All these things together made me choose death instead of life. On the outside I had a beautiful life. A good healthy relationship, where my partner understood the cycles and gave me time, a beautiful looking family (everyone always commented on how beautiful we looked, and how beautifully mannered the kids were), we had our own business, we had nice things and took nice holidays. But I was broken and feeling unfulfilled, unhappy and lost, my soul was tired. Yet I’d always known that there was more to life. This feeling was like De Ja Vie. A feeling that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I just knew.

It took a chance encounter, with a reiki session (which at the time seemed like nonsense to me), but I remained open and took the session and just went with the process. At the very least I took it as an excuse to rest or sleep. I was a new mum, absolutely frazzled with lack of sleep and post natal depression. My soul was so tired. I received a message during this session. Nothing was ever going to be the same again. Nothing could ever be the same again. 

When your soul gets tired it tells you. There are signs. What you choose to do with those signs, well that’s up to you.

The guidance came from an inner wisdom. The first message had told me ‘that everything was going to be ok’ and at a time where in my physical life, things weren’t going to be ok, I was in fact planning to end my life. I somehow knew this truth. It told me ‘to come home’, ‘to come home and go within, the answers are in you’. This guidance came with an overwhelming feeling of pure light and a love that I’ve never felt before. The only way I could explain how this felt back then was as though it was God itself. Holding me over my shoulders and whispering information that was encoded in my very being. It was as though I was being reminded. I knew this information already. But the glimmers of remembering set forth new rememberings’ over the next year. From there I started to meet people that gave me tools such as insights, meditation, affirmations, downloads from guides (that I’m still working out what these mean, it’s a journey for me too still). On the purely physical side I started to take ‘Me’ as important. I started to Journal, do Shadow Work, Start a self care routine with better nutrition, exercise and Self Love. It starts with self love. Fill your own cup so full and so high, that you are literally overflowing with love and light to give. With depression, there was only dark, so even talking in this way was completely alien to me back then. All the physical stuff helped me to finally feel like myself again, to work with myself was the beginning of everything!

Healing trauma is first. And it’s so possible, you can literally dissolve anything you want to let go of. And I’ll help you remember how. Then you can open your heart. When you live from the heart, a whole world of possibility opens up. Including, psychic abilities (that you had all along), the understanding of energy and vibration and how to manifest anything. An understanding of how the world really works. You can start to heal others. Dissolve their pains and illnesses. Physical healing from your bare hands and pure thought and heart feeling. I know! Crazy right! And there is so much more to your being that we forgot. Be Nothing Like is about connecting with yourself at a deeper level to awaken to who you actually, truly, deeply are. But this starts with healing your own trauma’s, whatever they may be. And my digital guides are here to help you do just that. My spiritual guides are there to help you further on your own awakening journey.

Let the old self of you from the past (the one that you learned who you were) dissolve. And let your new truth emerge. This version of you that you really are. Dissolve and Renew.

When you come home to yourself. You can give back to others. The B in Be Nothing Like is the second letter of the Greek alphabet ‘Beta’. It comes from the Hebrew beth, meaning “house.” HOME. I hope it’s a sign of remembering for you to come home.

I choose to keep our colours simple as a brand. Black and white. The healing journey when all said and done is simple one. I don’t want to over complicate things here. With the occasional azure blue through our branding. The colour of the ocean. We followed our hearts (and manifested) a life to be near the ocean in Bali. The blue represents this for us. But for you, the blue is a spiritual reminder. A health reminder, that it all starts and ends within you. As a brand colour - blue - keeps your heart open. A mix of green (to represent the heart chakra) and blue (to represent to crown chakra). And shards of light prisms are there to remind you that you are a light being. You are. Cosmic being made up of the vibrations of sound and light. Be Nothing Like represents a strive for enlightenment, a strive for wellness through nature, and a strive for to re-connect to the power within yourself. All we have to do is grow though healing our pain, use tools to self love to start to feel better, grow the self-confidence and manifest the life of our dreams. To come back home to yourself.

Are you ready for the journey of your life?

Love and light,
Fletch xx


Follow our blog to read more about all of the above. And follow our exciting family relocation to the Island of The Gods BALI. Where we share our tips to raise frequency and our own spiritual and wellness journey, sharing our world schooling, wellness and spiritual journey along the way. We never stop learning and it's a journey for us too. 



About the maker - how I manifested my dream life using universal energy



Holds a degree from The University of Liverpool in Psychology and Neuroscience. Continued to study Reiki (levels 1 & 2). Sound Healing, and DNA Theta Healing.

Has 15 years of experience in graphic design & owning a successful design company, a recruitment company and a fragrance company. Now owns a Global greetings card company and Be Nothing Like Aura Photography, and runs the Be Nothing Like Blog and Spiritual Tools website. She lives in Bali with her partner and their 2 kids, world schooling and living their high frequency life. Teaching others how to start their own online business to become financially and mentally free.